给个购买链接 谢谢老哥
老哥,你的 hami 账号可以付费共享吗
hami 账号信息可以收费共享吗?
老哥,您的 token 可以共享下吗?怎么收费?谢谢
docker run --name=4gtv -d -p 5000:5000 -e HTTP_PROXY=http://user:[email protected]:7890 -e HTTPS_PROXY=http://user:[email protected]:7890 pixman/4gtv
用的这种,4g 更换成 pixman 了,user:password 也更换成自己的了。 老大您有 qq 或者微信吗?可以把我的运行命令给您发过去,您帮看一下。谢谢
[2024-10-03 01:39:41,525] ERROR in app: Request failed: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='scc.ott.hinet.net', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /api/auth/authMemberQRToken.php (Caused by ProxyError('Cannot connect to proxy.', NewConnectionError(': Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 111] Connection refused'))), retrying... [2024-10-03 01:39:41,916] ERROR in app: Request failed: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='scc.ott.hinet.net', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /api/auth/authMemberQRToken.php (Caused by ProxyError('Cannot connect to proxy.', NewConnectionError(': Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 111] Connection refused'))), retrying... [2024-10-03 01:39:42,038] ERROR in app: Request failed: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='scc.ott.hinet.net', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /api/auth/authMemberQRToken.php (Caused by ProxyError('Cannot connect to proxy.', NewConnectionError(': Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 111] Connection refused'))), retrying... [2024-10-03 01:39:42,428] ERROR in app: Request failed: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='scc.ott.hinet.net', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /api/auth/authMemberQRToken.php (Caused by ProxyError('Cannot connect to proxy.', NewConnectionError(': Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 111] Connection refused'))), retrying... [2024-10-03 01:39:42,429] ERROR in app: Request failed after retrying [2024-10-03 01:39:42,430] ERROR in app: Get login url failed: no response [2024-10-03 01:39:42,551] ERROR in app: Request failed: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='scc.ott.hinet.net', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /api/auth/authMemberQRToken.php (Caused by ProxyError('Cannot connect to proxy.', NewConnectionError(': Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 111] Connection refused'))), retrying... [2024-10-03 01:39:42,552] ERROR in app: Request failed after retrying [2024-10-03 01:39:42,553] ERROR in app: Get login url failed: no response
老大这样可以吗?我的现象是旁路由用的小猫咪,盒子端 4G 能看,其他都看不了;电脑端同样网络环境 4G 也看不了,不知道为什么。
http://ip:port/hami/login,按照网页上的提示操作,得到 session 信息 老大这种方式还能过去 hami 信息吗
我是看了 4G 后,其他那些都用不了,不知道为什么。不知道有没有和我一样的
老哥能加 qq 吗?574509027,谢谢
老哥可以加 qq 吗,574509027。谢谢
老哥可以加下 qq 吗 574509027,谢谢
[root@OpenWrt:08:27 PM ~] # docker exec pixman sh -c 'flask mytvsuper_tivimate' [2024-09-26 20:27:49,584] ERROR in core: Request failed: 403 Client Error: Forbidden for url: https://user-api.mytvsuper.com/v1/channel/checkout?platform=android_tv&network_code=C18, retrying... [2024-09-26 20:27:50,533] ERROR in core: Request failed: 403 Client Error: Forbidden for url: https://user-api.mytvsuper.com/v1/channel/checkout?platform=android_tv&network_code=C18, retrying... [2024-09-26 20:27:51,521] ERROR in core: Request failed: 403 Client Error: Forbidden for url: https://user-api.mytvsuper.com/v1/channel/checkout?platform=android_tv&network_code=C18, retrying... [2024-09-26 20:27:51,522] ERROR in core: Request failed after retrying [2024-09-26 20:27:53,897] ERROR in core: Request failed: 403 Client Error: Forbidden for url: https://user-api.mytvsuper.com/v1/channel/checkout?platform=android_tv&network_code=CTVC, retrying...
老哥这是 企鹅号还是?
没人共享啊,这个和 hami 估计都可以共享
我的除了 4g 都看不了 不知道为什么
{ "error": "Get login url failed, please run \"docker logs pixman\" to check the error" } 出现这个,不知道怎么弄
老大 按你指导设置的,为什么 4G、Beesport 直播源、the 都能看,反倒是江苏移动、央视频、YouTube 直播源、中国移动 iTV 平台看不了呢?恳请指导,谢谢
哦哦 不太懂这个规则 那我把#去掉
rules: ##- SCRIPT,quic,REJECT #shortcuts rule ##- SCRIPT,time-limit,REJECT #shortcuts rule
# 国内 ##- DOMAIN-SUFFIX,dnsany.com,DIRECT ##- DOMAIN-SUFFIX,cmvideo.cn,DIRECT ##- DOMAIN-SUFFIX,chinamobile.com,DIRECT ##- DOMAIN-SUFFIX,mobaibox.com,DIRECT ## - DOMAIN-SUFFIX,gitv.tv,DIRECT ##- DOMAIN-SUFFIX,cctv.cn,DIRECT ## - DOMAIN-SUFFIX,yangshipin.cn,DIRECT ## - DOMAIN-SUFFIX,gcable.cn,DIRECT ## - IP-CIDR,,DIRECT,no-resolve ## - IP-CIDR,,DIRECT,no-resolve ## - IP-CIDR,,DIRECT,no-resolve ## - IP-CIDR,,DIRECT,no-resolve
# 自行测试当地是否能够直连,不能直连删掉下面这行 ##- DOMAIN,beesport.livednow.com,DIRECT
# 海外 ##- DOMAIN-SUFFIX,livednow.com,Proxy ##- DOMAIN-SUFFIX,orz-7.com,Proxy ##- DOMAIN-SUFFIX,4gtv.tv,Proxy ## - DOMAIN-SUFFIX,hinet.net,Proxy ##- DOMAIN-SUFFIX,ofiii.com,Proxy ##- DOMAIN-SUFFIX,googlevideo.com,Proxy ## - DOMAIN-SUFFIX,youtube.com,Proxy ## - DOMAIN-SUFFIX,mytvsuper.com,Proxy ## - DOMAIN-SUFFIX,thetvapp.to,Proxy
老大我这个带## -对不对?谢谢